In the aftermath of dismal year 2022 due to the well known reasons (FED, Ukraine, Covid/supply chains) and of the end of year tax selling we observed a strong reversion towards the mean long term returns The ACWI appreciated by 7.4 pct.  The NASDAQ outperformed the S and P 500 and the barely positive DJI as […]

The USA, as well as the world, equity markets are at very important crossroads. They are heavily dependent on volatile inflation, interest rate and on earnings prospects. Geopolitical factors and Economic data heavily contribute to the instability of markets. On the Geopolitical front the war in Ukraine and the ‘zero Covid policy’ of China affect the […]

The FED missed the  inflationary situation calling it for a long  time a transient phenomenon. It was a structural one. The war in Ukraine exacerbated the supply shocks in agricultural products and energy. With its very delayed reaction, the FED  is attempting to use Demand policies to solve mainly supply shock problems . The continuous abrupt  interest rate increases,  after […]

Perfect storm The FED made a major mistake underestimating inflation. Interest rates should have increased earlier. Now it is tightening aggressively.  We experience the worst inflation in 40 years.  Covid resurfaced in China. It is the worst pandemic in 100 years  In addition, have a war in Europe after 75years.  A painful coincidence! Have markets […]

Inflation and the  Supply curve  A few thoughts on the markets : Negatives : A) Waited  to comment on the April inflation numbers. Higher  at 8.3 pct for the CPI than the forecasts at 8.1 pct. Core inflation also 0.2 pct higher. Inflation appears persistent and markets are disappointed. B)Markets  fear that persistent  inflation will probably necessitate more interest rate […]

The effects of the pandemic on the economy have continued to diminish, but risks to the economic outlook remain. Progress on vaccinations has limited the spread of COVID-19. However, the pace of vaccinations has slowed, and the “delta” strain of the virus is spreading quickly in some areas.

2020 in retrospect ….It was a very difficult year ! Indeed, it was a very difficult year  (to paraphrase the song) for mankind, personal lives, relations,  business and the stock market. Some Lessons  We experienced an extreme shock, not witnessed since 1918, in early spring as the virus started spreading and led business activity ro be seriously […]

Don’t bet against America; you can still buy the dip as the market rebounds History has shown that the SPX has returned to growth after significant drops many times. For example, the index decreased by 34% within a month after the Dot-com bubble burst in 2000, started rebounding in 2002 and had surpassed the dot-com high by 2007

A) We noticed the ‘reversion to the mean’ principle. This observation characterizing many natural phenomena took place again in the stock market. After a dismal 2018, especially at the end of the year, we enjoyed one of the best years ever for the stock market in 2019.