NR & Cie Business

NR & Cie Business

Investment Philosophy

  • We attempt to maximize returns per unit of risk through geographical and sectoral diversification.
  • Fixed income investments attempt to preserve wealth and to capture credit spreads.
  • We construct portfolios taking into account the investors’ risk tolerance and specific liquidity needs.
  • We offer personalized advisory services discussing strategy and market developments with the investors on a continuous basis.
  • The family portfolio assets are invested in the company.

Investment Principles

You can select among the three major equity portfolios and two bond model portfolios we have built based on size and base currency.

Equity portfolios Principles

Equity Principles

1) Investment in exchange traded funds tracking major indexes.

2) Investments in well recognized large cap companies that are market leaders in  at least six different sectors.

3) Greater emphasis in value stocks with consistent growth and international emphasis.

4) Ranking of criteria for USA and European stocks:

(a) Leading large cap company,

(b) Relatively low P/E,

(c) Earnings growth near or above the market average,

(d) Representation of at least six major sectors.

5) Inclusion of major geographical regions, Emerging Markets and Smaller Cap Stocks mainly through ETFs.

6) Possible Inclusion of Commodity ETFs for inflation Hedging.

7) Emphasis on basic currency and possible forward purchases of the base currency.

8) Long-term Holding of core stocks and ETFs .

9) Sale of options in order to monitor market moves and to adjust market exposure.

10)  Frequent adjustments of short-term option positions for Hedging and Income.

Our Bond portfolios

Bonds Principles

1) We provide diversified portfolios with single issuers and bond ETFs depending on portfolio size.

2) Basic selection principles also include risk tolerance and liquidity needs. 

3) We are trying to capture market opportunities and gain from credit spreads.

Investment strategy

  • Focus on strategic allocation through asset classes.
  • Infrequent modifications to achieve long term consistency in returns.
  • Portfolio adjustments for tactical allocation purposes based on market developments and specific needs. 
  • The principal approach is based on fundamental and value rather than technical analysis.  
  • Greater emphasis is given on contrarian rather than on the short term momentum approach. 
  • Excess return per unit of risk to be obtained by range trading and occasional hedging.

We respect the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) but also attempt to incorporate recent theoretical and empirical developments in behavioural finance and factor analysis. Thus,  long term historical performance, diversification, value analysis and in some cases momentum are used to achieve portfolio growth. Finally, business and economic cycles are studied for tactical allocation.

Business Policy

  • Minimum portfolio size is USD 500k.
  • Operate with utmost trust and transparency and build long term relationships with our investors.
  • Our fees are competitive and based on portfolio performance.
  • Client selection involves very careful background examination and several years of acquaintance.